Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Independence Day!

Happy Fourth of July, everyone!

John, Amber and I spent the evening on Rammstein Air Force Base, where John works. Apparently Rammstein is the biggest American community outside of the US, with over 50,000 Americans calling it home. It's quite a site to see! ...Unfortunately, they don't allow casual photohgraphy, so I won't be able to share the experience here.

While it's an awesome experience being in Europe, where every facet of life is so subtly different from America, at the same time, it's also nice to be able to hop over into a place like Rammstein and feel right at home.

We weren't able to see Transformers the Movie today after all. Apparently it won't come to the english theater here until August. Guess I'll have to wait a while! *sigh*

But, at least I got to enjoy some splendid fireworks! It was a surprisingly high quality display, but then, it is the Air Force ;)

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